Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trick or Treat

 Mama thought it would be a great idea to check out the big Hot Air Balloon trick or treat event.  Total bust! First off we got there very late due to the Nebraska football game playing that night.  Then Stu was crying like a baby in the car cuz he was missing the second half even though is was being recorded.  Miss Ella fell asleep in the car and was dead to the world when we arrived. Thank god for the stroller.  She was awakened by the fire keeping the balloons afloat and woke up screaming, crying, and shaking uncontrollably.  Best part is that they ran out of candy when we got there and Landon only scored 1 sour piece and the hardest piece of taffy that i almost busted my tooth on.  Least i tried to be a fun mom!

 Ready to hit up Kids Eat Free at Texas Roadhouse

 Halloween dance performance at Club Dance to Ghostbusters!

 Preschool Halloween Party
 Super Ella

 Seriously mom, let's go!
 Score! My favorite candy!

 Families in AZ go all out for Halloween

 Neighbor buddies
Everyday is Halloween in the Chamberson household.  I thought that after 3 years of playing dressup it would get old but not for our kids.  Landon is still obsessed with Superheroes.  Maybe it is because i promised myself i would never allow him to play with superheroes.  Well that bit in the booty!  The day after Halloween is like black Friday in our house.  Running around store to store both in AZ and G&G in Iowa scoring amazing clearance deals .  Do they really have to keep coming out with new designs for the batman, spiderman, thor, and the list goes on and on.  Maybe if Landon would outgrow all his old ones I wouldn't mind but the lil' shrimp still fits in all the ones from 3 years ago.  I guess if it makes him happy and he uses his imagination than i will keep up getting them for him.  At least this year Ella has finally been interested in dressing up like a princess.  Trust me you will probably be seeing her wear them soon cuz she practically lives in them!

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