Monday, September 17, 2012

Vegas Vacation

 Miss Chocolate girl was in heaven!

 Talented Street Dancers

 waiting for the amazing water show to begin

 The kiddos were so excited cuz they thought we were finally taking them to Disney World.  Sorry kids! 

We decided to crash Stu's work trip and tag along to Las Vegas.  What better way to experience the party city of the world with our lil' kiddos! lol.  After we got settled in the hotel, Stu had to leave for a couple hours to check on a job site so the kids and I went out to explore the strip.  Of course spotting the characters were Landon's favorite part.  Except when i got yelled at by Batman cuz I didn't tip him.  Seriously i have to pay you to take a 2 second picture with my child??  After that i was mean and only let him wave to the all the characters.  However some of them are probably going to give me nightmares cuz they were freaky. 

While waiting for Stu, we stopped to watch these amazing street dancers.  Landon was even asked to participate.  I don't know who was more scared, him or me!  One of the dancers was going to do a flip over his head.  Just what we needed was him to get hurt in Las Vegas due to some stranger thinking he is a professional dancer!  But he did great!

After hours and hours and hours of walking we finally got back to the room around 11:45. We probably experienced more things that night with the kids then i will ever in that city cuz next time the kids are staying home!  They are not allowed back there until they are in their late 20's!

1 comment:

  1. How exhausting!!! I remember taking Andrew & Keri - we met Haley for the first time (Haley was not even 1 year old...or at least close to it). I have not been back and I don't know if I ever will. Oh...Batman is lookin' for you!
