Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tooth Fairy Visit

                      Big Big Week! On Nov 28th and 29th Landon lost his first 2 teeth!

Xmas Dance

Our lil' reindeer performed Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

Zoo Day!

Perfect December day to meet the Kuhlman's at the zoo!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Fun night putting up the Christmas tree and attempting to take a decent Christmas card picture.  Next year we need to hire a professional!

Reese's Baptism

I was so honored when Bridget asked me to be miss Reese's godmother!  The baptism ceremony is one we will never forget.  The kids were so jealous that Reese got to go swim in a pool!  They now wish our church had it's own pool!  Congrats our lil' Catholic princess :)

Happy Thanksgiving

                                                    Our lil' pumpkin
                                                               Crazy Hair

We hosted Thanksgiving this year at the Chambers house.  Even though we were sad we couldn't spend it back with the fam in SD and IA we were thankful to have the Kuhlman family over!  The kiddos had a great time dressing up with Keenan :) Batman and Robin = Best Buds!

Breathing Treatment :(

                                    Poor lil' boy doing his breathing treatment
                                  Ella playing dress up with her class pet, Bobo