Thursday, October 4, 2012

Miss Diva

My lil' tomgirl is turning into a DIVA! She loves to play dress up and dance around the house singing "Call me maybe".  She is growing up way too fast!

Happy Birthday Edna

 Birthday girl in the middle

 Charlotte the piggy

 Jasmine, the pretty unicorn
 Bliss, the butterfly princess :)
 Ella's buddy Ginger
The kiddos were excited to celebrate their friend Edna's birthday at the pony farm! Great afternoon of pony rides, snow cones, and jumping in the bounce house! 

Our lil' cheerleader :)

Miss Ella was thrilled to be able to cheer at the Queen Creek High School football game.  We may have a future cheerleader on our hands.  Landon loves to put on his football gear and pretend he is a football player and ella is his lil' cheerleader.

Preschool Field Trip

We joined Ella's class at Build a Bear to make the class pet BoBo the elephant.